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Student Policy



Entrance is open to career-minded people who would be able to obtain and utilize the skills taught and become employed. Prospective students must meet the Admission Requirements.

Applicants who will be considered on the basis of high school credentials must present satisfactory standing on five distinct and appropriate subjects in the 12th (or 13th if appropriate) year of Senior Secondary School and must have graduated with the appropriate high school documents and credentials. All student are required to get there credential approved by WES. If requirements are met, a non refundable CAD$500 application fee will be collect. Admission package will be sent to you once the application fee has been received.


ADVANCED AESTHETICS PROGRAM  -  1.5 years ( 18 months )

TUITION : CAD $19000.00


An application fee of $500.00 (applied to tuition cost once the student commences) to be provided before a letter of acceptance is issued.

* Tuition & Incidental fees will be collected upon arrival on the day of orientation and registration at the institution before starting the course.



Email Transfer :

Visa / MasterCard, Cash ( in person only ), Bank Draft, Bank/Wire Transfer


Failure to pay tuition or other fees due to the school is considered a debt to the school. Students may be expelled if fees are not paid after the school has provided written warning.



To help you achieve excellence in Esthetics, we have established these guidelines to ensure fairness, understanding and positive work habits among our students. Because every student is a future employee, manager or entrepreneur, you must meet these standards of professionalism, which will prepare you for the demands of your future career.


Dress Code

Aesthetics Pro maintains an aesthetics standard for students, which encompass all aspects of personal hygiene, grooming, and a strict dress code requirement. Students are to arrive at school groomed, in full uniform, and in compliance with all appearance standards. The dress code is required if a student is clocked in and accruing hours.


Aesthetics Pro reserves the right to maintain an aesthetic standard for all students. This includes personal hygiene, grooming and, to the extent appropriate, makeup, appropriate facial hair and standard dress-code adherence. The professional appearance of students includes but is not limited to the following:


  1. Shirts ( supplied in student kit ) : Students must wear professional solid black short or long sleeved shirts. The shirt cannot have print on it unless it is our School Logo. Students cannot wear hooded shirts. Undergarments and midriff may not be visible.

  2. Pants: Students must wear professional full length solid black dress pants. Jeans, yoga pants, sweatpants, leather and vinyl are not acceptable. Undergarments may not be visible.

  3. Skirts and Dresses: Skirts and Dresses are not acceptable.

  4. Nails: Students’ nails must be clean, well groomed, and professional in appearance. Students’ nails may be colored ( except Nail students can keep in long nail )

  5. Footwear: Students must wear professional solid black footwear that covers the heel and toe. If students wear socks, they must be black.

  6. Apron ( supplied in student kit ) : It must be clean, neat, not torn, unstained, unaltered, and worn at all times when in the building.

  7. Student Identification: Student name tags are to be worn as issued during all clocked hours to identify students and staff to guests. If lost, the student must replace it, at a cost of $10.00 or be dismissed until in compliance.

  8. Electronic Devices: Students may be asked to remove cell phones, headphones or other electronic devices if they are deemed a distraction or inspiring unprofessional behavior. Failure to comply will be considered a minor violation. Personal electronic devices cannot be used during exams.

  9. Aroma: Students CANNOT wear perfume.

  10. Head Attire: Students may wear headbands provided that they do not cover more than 1/3 of the head. Students may not wear any other head attire unless for a religious purpose.


There will be opportunities for students to dress differently on designated days.



Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times.

  1. Food, candy, beverages, and gum are allowed in the lunchroom area only.

  2. Aesthetics Pro is a smoke-free facility. Smoking is not allowed on school property.

  3. Students are responsible for their own personal property and students should not bring valuable items to the institute. The institute is not responsible for lost, stolen, or missing personal items.

  4. Student kits are to be used for assigned services only. Only authorized solicitation of products, merchandise or services will be considered professional.

  5. For the student to perform professional services, Aesthetics Pro provides students with kits. Students must inventory and label their kits. If anything needs to be repaired at the time the student receives the kit, the item(s) will be sent to the vendor for repair. Each student is responsible to have his/her kit complete and all of its contents maintained during school hours. The kit is to be used only on guests and is not intended for personal use. If any kit items are missing or damaged, the student must immediately replace the items. This means that students have to purchase missing items of the same or similar quality with their own money or retail vouchers. Aesthetics Pro is not responsible for missing or stolen items.

  6. Stealing, cheating, defacing or damaging student or school equipment and/or property will result in termination and require monetary restitution.



When English is not a student’s first language, Students will be allowed to use a paper language dictionary during written tests if requested. Electronic translators will not be permitted.


For the purpose of Alberta student funding, Aesthetics Pro must consider a funded student as withdrawn under any of the following circumstances:

  1. As per section 6 (c) of the Alberta Institution Designation Agreement, when a student has missed five consecutive class days without contacting the institution, before or during the absence, to provide a reasonable excuse. In this case, the effective date of the student’s withdrawal is the first of the five days that the student was absent and shall notify the Minister in accordance with this section.

  2. When a student with a reasonable excuse is absent for more than 30 consecutive days, the effective date of the withdrawal is the first day during this period that the student was absent.

  3. When a student has excessive absences that will prevent him/her from successfully completing the program within the scheduled study period. In this case the effective date of student’s withdrawal is the last day that the student was in attendance.


The institutional refund policy applies to all withdrawals and terminations for any reason. To terminate the enrollment contract, students must send written notice to the Program Director or student in person requesting the withdrawal form.

A refund of an international student's tuition fees will be paid to the student, individual or organization that originally paid the tuition.

The institutional refund policy is as follows :

  1. CAD $500 application fees are non-refundable.

  2. If the school cancelled the program before the program begins, the school will provide a refund of all money paid.

  3. If the institute is permanently closed and no longer offers instruction prior to or after a student has enrolled, the student is entitled to a full refund of all money paid.

  4. The program does not begin by the start date of the contract and students choose to terminate the contract as a result, the student is entitled to a full refund of all money paid.

  5. If a student contract is terminated after the program begins, the student is entitled to the following amounts of the tuition fees:

(a) when 10% or less of the vocational training has been provided, the student is entitled to 75% of the tuition fees refund.

(b) when more than 10% but 50% or less of the training has been provided, the student is entitled to 40% of the tuition fees refund.

(c)  when more than 50% of the training has been provided, the school will retain all paid tuition fees.

**Any student expelled from AESTHETICS PRO for any reason is not eligible for a refund **

Refunds take up to six weeks to process

Amounts paid by Visa or MasterCard are refunded to the card originally used to make payment unless the card is expired.

  • Refunds to international accounts are made via the same person and method received.

  • All other refunds are issued by cheque or Interact. 

  • Students are responsible for updating their address with the Office of the Registrar.

  • Sponsored Students refunds will be issued directly to the sponsor. 

  • Any student suspended or expelled from Aesthetics Pro for any reason, is not eligible for a refund.

  • The original Letter of Acceptance must be returned to school in order to request the refund.


Satisfactory progress in attendance and academic work is a requirement for all students enrolled in this school. Students who maintain a 80% average in both Theory and Practical and also maintain 80% attendance are deemed to be making satisfactory progress.

At Aesthetics pro, satisfactory progress is defined by the following criteria:

1.   Theory Exam     80%

2.   Practical Exam   80%

3.   Attendance        80%

Attendance Progress Evaluations

Attendance Progress Evaluations Students are required to attend a minimum of 80% of the hours possible based on the applicable attendance schedule in order to be considered maintaining the Satisfactory Academic Progress. Evaluations are conducted at the end of each evaluation period to determine if the student has met the minimum requirements. The attendance percentage is determined by dividing the total hours accrued by the total number of hours scheduled. At the end of each evaluation period, Aesthetics Pro will determine if the student has maintained at least 80% cumulative attendance since the beginning of the program which indicates that, given the same attendance rate, the student will graduate within the maximum time frame allowed.


Maximum Time Frame

The maximum time are 88 hours from course length allowed for students to complete the course. Students who have not completed the course within the maximum time frame will be terminated.

Attendance Record Policies

Aesthetics Pro is a clock hour institution, and as a result tracking students’ time at school is very important. Instructors take attendance in class each day and record the number of hours students earn in an attendance book. In addition, students must clock in at the beginning of the day and at the end of the school day.

It is the student’s responsibility to review the time clock reports weekly for accuracy.

Any adjustments to the students’ time clock entries need to be corrected within one week of receiving the time reports and must be communicated through an educator along with the corresponding time clock adjustment form to the registrar’s office.


Students who fail to meet requirements on any level will be given a written WARNING notice stating that they have one pay period to meet the requirements for satisfactory progress. If the student does not make satisfactory progress at the end of the WARNING period, the student will be determined to be not making satisfactory progress and will be terminated.


Students who fail to meet minimum requirements for attendance or academic progress after the warning period will be placed on probation. Additionally, only students who have the ability to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy standards by the end of the evaluation period may be placed on probation. Students placed on an academic plan must be able to meet requirements set forth in the academic plan

by the end of the next evaluation period. Students who are progressing according to their specific academic plan will be considered making Satisfactory Academic Progress. The student will be advised in writing of the actions required to attain satisfactory academic progress by the next evaluation. If at the end of the probationary period, the student has still not met both the attendance and academic requirements required for satisfactory academic progress or by the academic plan, he/she will be determined as NOT making satisfactory progress.

Appeal Procedure

If a student is determined to not be making satisfactory academic progress, the student may appeal the determination. Reasons for which students may appeal a negative progress determination include death of a relative, an injury or illness of the student, or any other allowable special or mitigating circumstance. The student must submit a written appeal to the school with supporting documentation of the reasons why the determination should be reversed. This information should include what has changed about the student’s situation that will allow him/her

to achieve Satisfactory Academic Progress by the next evaluation point. Appeal documents will be reviewed and a decision will be made and reported to the student within 30 calendar days. The appeal and decision will be retained in the student file.​


Cheating, plagiarism, unapproved collaboration, alteration of records, bribery, falsification of information, use of aids that have not been expressly permitted by instructors, theft or solicitation of another student’s assignments, paperwork, tests, or personal belongings, and intentionally attempting to assist another student to commit any act of academic dishonesty, will not be tolerated.


Aesthetics Pro is bound by federal laws to protect the privacy of the students. The School respects the right to privacy of its students and is committed to safeguarding the personal information of each student and graduate. Aesthetics Pro will not disclose a student’s personal information without a prior written consent of the student.

Aesthetics Pro protects the personal information collected from students, graduates, staff and other business partners. This includes the training of employees and the establishment of control systems for responsible use of personal information that is accessible to employees while performing work-related duties. The School directs its employees to exercise caution when disclosing personal information to others. Access to personal information is limited to the following:

  • An individual accessing student's personal information

  • An employee of the School with authorized access based on a legitimate academic or business need

  • Any organization or person authorized by the individual to receive the information

  • Authorized Legal Agent/Government Body/Representative under the circumstance where the school complies with the release of personal information

  • Individuals or entity as permitted by law where deemed to be necessary for reasonable conduct of school business

Student Records Management and Retention Policy

The Student Records Management and Retention Policy at the Aesthetics Pro was developed based on Student Record Regulation of Alberta Regulation, as well as the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The decision to retain records implies a commitment to maintain the records in a safe and secure manner.
All Student Records are maintained and retained in the assigned computer. The only staff can access those student records are the President and School Manager, as well as the designed person of the School.

After the student leaves the school, the school will retain records of student for 10years including Admission Form, Letter of Acceptance, Transcripts and other documents.

Student Attendance - Time Record Policies

Aesthetics Pro is a clock hour institution, and as a result tracking students’ time at school is very important. Instructors take attendance in class each day and record the number of hours students earn in an attendance book. In addition, students must clock in at the beginning of the day and at the end of the school day.

It is the student’s responsibility to review the time clock reports weekly for accuracy.

Any adjustments to the students’ time clock entries need to be corrected within one week of receiving the time reports and must be communicated through an educator along with the corresponding time clock adjustment form to the registrar’s office.


Students will fill out the complaint form which has been provided to the student during the orientation day, and present this to the main office. ▪ The main office will ensure that the complainant is notified of the decision, in writing, with the Director’s response.

  • Students will fill out the complaint form which has been provided to the student during the orientation day, and present this to the main office. The main office will ensure that the complainant is notified of the decision, in writing, with the Director’s response.

  • The school will establish the difference between a concern and a complaint. Taking informal concerns seriously at the earliest stage may prevent the issue from worsening.

  • The school will respect confidentiality at all times.



  1. Satisfactory progress in both written and practical work has been maintained at 80% or above.

  2. Satisfactory attendance has been maintained at 80% or above.

  3. All tuition requirements have been met

  4. Final school examinations both written and practical have been passed with a score of 80% or above.

  5. Be current on all fees and payment obligations

Upon completion of the required hours, and all other graduation requirements having been met, will be awarded with 7 diplomas and 1 certificate.


Diploma in Advanced Aesthetics

Diploma in Medical Aesthetics

Diploma in Skin Care Product Training

Diploma in Advanced Nail Technician & Nail Art

Diploma in Lash Extensions Artist

Diploma in Permanent Makeup Artist

Diploma in Spa Management

Canada First Aid Certificate

Canada Blood Borne Pathogens Certificate

Privacy Policy
Withdrawal & Refund Policies
Refund Policies
Student Records Management and Retention Policy

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